Many enterprises have experienced the game-changer role of Internet in their growth. The internet has unfolded multiple business opportunities leading to their expansion and success. They must have understood how a high-speed and stable Internet connection can have substantial impact on their economy i.e., a momentary down-time of connection can be problematic for productivity.
With the emergence of technology, Internet Leased line has become the buzzword in business world. Leased lines satisfy the business owners with uninterrupted connectivity due to its characteristics of fixed bandwidth and symmetric data transmission from one end to another. When we talk about business dealings data security is the main concern, internet leased lines ensure the worry-free secure communication between end users.
NM Paribas is known for its excellent Internet Leased Lines services for small, medium and large-scale businesses. We offer best services to run smooth business and avoids low loading speeds, networking traffic, internet downtimes, and outages. We present cost-effective innovative business solutions that immensely contribute to build a flourishing business. Main features of our leased lines include its data transmission speed, security, symmetry and cost-effectiveness.

High Speed: Forget the networking problems during peak hours. Our internet leased lines ensure the better and faster speed to perform all business activities including Video conferences, file transfer, Online booking and many more at any time of the day.
Dedicated Connection: Our Internet leased lines guarantee the data security to prevent the breaching of confidential business’s information. The dedicated networking is its important feature that makes the fixed bandwidth available for the individual client, which does not drop even at the busiest hours.
Service Level Agreements (SLA): We promise a better Service Level Agreement (SLA) for our Internet leased lines that safeguards the client’s trust at the time of adversities. We ensure the best use of your investment and assures the availability of well-trained personnel to solve the issues in real-time.
Symmetric Network: NM Paribas presents Internet Leased Lines with 1:1 uncontended speed for downloading as well as uploading. This distinctive attribute of leased lines proves advantageous for business owners and their clients to share huge video files and other content uncomplicatedly.
Economical: Our high-speed Internet connection using Internet leased lines prevents the undesired connection loss that can be a cause of revenue loss. To improve the productivity and revenue, businesses are encouraged to opt for leased lines that are more affordable and have remarkable features. In a nutshell, Internet leased lines is the bespoke solution of all small, medium and large businesses. We, at NM Paribas offers the best plans to provide exactly what is suitable for your business needs. To accelerate your business growth, feel free to contact us and experience uninterrupted internet solutions for your enterprise.